Course Description

Curriculum Mapping is part 2 of Unpacking the Standards. Part 2 will give participants a balcony view of the many facets involved when mapping out a curriculum. The pre-requisite course, Unpacking the Standards gave background knowledge and skills to unpack the standards. This course will utilize our learnings to continue this work by creating a roadmap that will show the path of both teaching and learning from start to finish. Curriculum mapping will allow for proper alignment of goals, instructional support materials, formative assessment activities, summative assessments, and finally the instructional plan. In the end, a unit of study will be unpacked and consideration of assessment, intervention, and enrichment opportunities within the unit will be addressed. 

Course Distinctives

Just a few of the (many) reasons this course is the right one for you.

  • Teacher-focused

    Develop the skills to connect and teach students by harnessing your best asset -- your own experience!

  • Research-Based

    Learn from leaders and experts through video and guided assessment of peer-reviewed research articles.

  • Hands-on Learning

    Enjoy creative, interactive projects to help solidify concepts and ideas.

Course curriculum

Course with CEU's $130 Course with 8 SCECHs is $145